1. "即使是最微不足道的人也能够改变未来的进程。"
2. "这世上一定存在着某种美好,值得我们为之奋战到底。"
3. "我不站在任何人那一边,因为没有人站在我这一边。"
4. "人生永远也不会结束,死亡只是另一种人生。"
5. "以爱回应忠诚,以荣誉回应英勇,以复仇回应背叛。"
6. "如果你能征服你的恐惧,代表你可以战胜死亡。"
7. "我宁愿和你共度凡人短暂的一生,也不愿一个人看尽这世界的沧海桑田。"
8. "千万别轻易断定别人的生死,就连智者都无法决定命运。"
9. "火花将从死灰中复燃,光明将从阴影中重现。"
10. "弱小者为生命搏斗,刚强者却大意将头转向他方。"
1. "Even the smallest person can change the course of the future.."
2. "There is some good in this world, and it's worth fighting for.."
3. "I am no nobody's side, because nobody is on my side.."
4. "Life never ends; death is just another kind of life.."
5. "Respond to loyalty with love, to bravery with honor, to betrayal with vengeance.."
6. "If you can conquer your fear, you can conquer death.."
7. "I would rather share one lifetime with you than face all the ages of this world alone.."
8. "Don't judge someone's life or death lightly, not even the wise can decide their fate.."
9. "A spark will rise from the ashes, light will emerge from the shadows.."
10. "The weak fight for life, while the strong turn their heads away carelessly.."